Franklin Regional Senior High School Home


We, the Franklin Regional School community, strive for excellence, learning, achievement, and citizenship in all we do.

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Panther's Den Merchandising FAQ and Fact Sheet

The Franklin Regional School District is pleased to announce that the Panther's Den storefront and online store will celebrate their Grand Opening this Friday, November 1, 2024. Through an exclusive merchandising agreement with Unity Printing Inc., the owners of Fancy Fox, the district will begin generating revenue via an annual licensing fee and merchandise sales. Funds earned will directly support Franklin Regional students by advancing new and enhanced academic, arts, and athletic programs. CLICK to access the FAQ & Fact Sheet...
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We are committed to excellence. Students, families, staff, administrators, and community partners work every day to make our school more vibrant, rigorous, creative, adaptable, and fun.
We are committed to learning as a multi-faceted, life-long process and the focus of everything we do. We expect everyone to develop knowledge, skills, and self-awareness.
We are committed to growth in academics. We promote, recognize, and value our accomplishments.
We act with integrity and in an ethical and responsible manner. In this way, we promote each person's ability to be a productive, contributing, thoughtful, respectful, and socially responsible citizen.