Senior Internship Program » Senior Internship Program

Senior Internship Program

Welcome to the Franklin Regional Senior Internship Program!

The Franklin Regional High School Senior Internship Program allows college-bound seniors to gain realistic views of their career choices, develop job skills, and interact with adults in a professional setting.

Franklin Regional High School sends over 90% of the graduating seniors on to a post secondary school. However, education costs continue to rise, and the national average for college graduation is 50%. For students who stay in college, thirty percent graduate in five years instead of four. The Senior Internship program was created with these statistics in mind. As a result, our senior interns have the opportunity to navigate the areas of interest to them while gaining valuable real world experiences.

The ultimate goal of a senior internship will be met it the seniors affirm their career plans or explore new career directions.

About the Program
  • Half of the day classes, half of the day internship
  • 2 credits
  • One semester senior year
  • Usually at two sites, one each nine weeks
  • Expected to interview and present a resume
  • 15 hrs a week minimum
  • Daily for 9 weeks
  • Students will be assigned a grade for each marking period they intern