SAP Program
SAP Program
What is SAP?
SAP is our counseling department's formal, consistent, and systematic approach to the early identification of students who are at risk due to drug/alcohol, mental health, or other personal problems. This program provides for intervention with and referral of these students to appropriate services, as well as support for students returning to school after treatment. SAP also works to prevent student problems through awareness campaigns, fostering a positive school climate and promotion of personal wellness in all students. SAP is an intervention, not a treatment program that integrates a process of information gathering, intervention, and referral through a SAP Core Team.
What is the SAP Team?
The SAP Team is a trained team of school personnel that meets regularly to identify, intervene with, and motivate at-risk students into seeking appropriate help through the SAP process. The SAP Team will also be assisted in its referral efforts by a Team Liaison, representing both the mental health and drug and alcohol treatment systems.
What is the purpose of the Team Liaison?
The Team Liaison serves as an ad hoc member of the SAP Team, providing clinical consultation and assessment services relative to specific student interventions.
What is the SAP Referral Process?
Step 1 - Students are referred to SAP through the following means:
- School Administrator
- Teacher
- Other School Personnel (e.g. Counselor, School Nurse, etc.)
- Fellow Students
- Self-Referral
- Family
- District Justice System
Step 2 - All referrals to SAP are reviewed by the SAP Team, and a formal information gathering process begins. Objective and pertinent data is collected from various sources such as:
- Attendance Office (absences/tardiness)
- Student Records (academic performance)
- Teachers (classroom behaviors)
- School Counselors (special areas of concern)
- School Nurse (health information)
- Other School Personnel
- Parent Interviews
Step 3 - A determination is made by the SAP Team as to the seriousness of the problem. Students considered to have significant problems are scheduled for an in-school assessment with the Team Liaison.
Step 4 - The collected data and the assessment results are reviewed by the SAP Team, in consultation with the Team Liaison, and recommendations are formulated. The findings and recommendations, which explicitly indicate the student's need for personal change and/or outside help, are presented by the SAP Team to the students/parents in accordance with current school district SAP procedures.
Step 5 - The SAP Team then assists the student and the parents in pursuing a course of action designed to resolve the identified problems. This action plan shall consist of:
- Support strategies such as in-school individual or group counseling, changes in the course of study, vocational training, medical examination, etc. and/or
- Other professional services outside the school setting.
Step 6 - The SAP Team monitors the progress of the student to determine the extent to which the identified problems are being resolved through the action plan. The team will continue to collect data to ascertain whether improvement in student behavior is being observed and, if necessary, will schedule another meeting with the student/parents to make changes in the action plan.
What is the SAP policy regarding confidentiality?
Confidentiality between all parties involved in the SAP process shall be respected and maintained in the best interest of the student.
SAP is a collaborative effort between the Franklin Regional School District and the Westmoreland County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program and The Westmoreland County Drug & Alcohol Commission.
Would you like to submit a referral for a FRSHS Student in your family?
The FRSHS Counseling Center Staff will help! Please contact them at 724-327-5456, extension 5006, for more information and guidance.