FRSH Counselor's Corner » Testing Information

Testing Information

SAT Testing

2024-2025 Testing Dates:
October 5, 2024
March 8, 2025
June 7, 2025
Please visit to find local schools
offering SAT on alternate dates.
Franklin Regional High School CEEB CODE: 392835
Wednesday, October 9
SAT Prep Courses:
Penn State - New Kensington
In person at PSUNK
Dates TBA
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
call 724-334-6011 for more information & to register
What to bring on SAT TEST DAY:
VALID PHOTO IDENTIFICATION: If you do not have a Driver’s License or a School ID with photo, see your counselor. Any student without proper ID WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to the test per College Board Guidelines
A CALCULATOR: the one you use for math class is fine.
Unacceptable calculators: will be rejected. CALCULATORS OR BATTERIES will not be provided!!
A WATCH to pace yourself during testing is optional but recommended.
Every exam is a step on the ladder of your life.
Do well so that you have something rock solid to hold it all together.
Cell Phones will be collected and return to students at the end of the test
Good luck.

DESMOS - Online Graphing calculator for SAT
click here for the DESMOS calculator

"Test Optional Admission"
Available at Duquesne University
for Business, Liberal Arts, and Music applicants
click here for a letter from Duquesne
or visit for additional information

visit for a complete list Fair Test Colleges

TEAS Practice Test
The TEAS Test (The Test of Essential Academic Skills) is an admissions test for nursing schools, and is 
often required as part of the application process
Click here to access a free website designed to help with TEAS test prep.
Testing timeline:
9th Grade
Visit and sign up for SAT Question of the Day. Review free practice materials.
Visit and sign up for ACT Question of the Day. Review free practice materials for this exam as well.
10th Grade
October: Sophomores may consider taking the PSAT (practice SAT)
Although this test is not appropriate for ALL students, as it is designed as a junior year test, some students may find the practice helpful.
May or June: SAT Subject Tests: College-bound sophomores may plan to take this test if they have done exceptionally well in a sophomore year class and want to highlight their good performance to college admissions officers. Take this test while the information is still "fresh". Register for this test at
11th Grade
October: PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test- All college-bound juniors should plan to take this exam.
October, November, December, January, March, May, June: SAT I (Offered at Franklin Regional October, March, and June)

September, October, December, February, April, June: ACT
(Offered at neighboring school districts)
SAT I and/or ACT: College-bound juniors should plan to take two tests, an SAT and an ACT during the second semester of 11th grade. Students may need to test in the early months of the second semester in order to allow for scores to be returned in a timely fashion. This way they may make an informed decision regarding future standardized tests. Students may want to sit for additional standardized tests either late in the junior year or early in the senior year so they may further improve their scores. The Counseling Department bases its recommendations upon the individual testing needs of each student. For specific information, please see your individual counselor.
May or June: SAT Subject Tests: College-bound juniors should plan to take this test if necessary for college admission.
May - AP tests: Are you ready for a unique learning experience that will help you succeed in college? Through AP's college-level courses and exams, you can earn college credit and advanced placement, stand out in the admission process, and learn from some of the most skilled, dedicated, and inspiring teachers in the world.
12th Grade
September, October, December: ACT
October, November, December: SAT I
These tests are offered in the early fall for seniors who feel they could score a bit higher on a retake - sometimes colleges and universities request that applicants retake a test, as well.
October, November, December: SAT Subject Tests: College-bound seniors may find this test is necessary for college admission to certain schools - it's not too late to take this test!
May - AP tests: Are you ready for a unique learning experience that will help you succeed in college? Through AP's college-level courses and exams, you can earn college credit and advanced placement, stand out in the admission process, and learn from some of the most skilled, dedicated, and inspiring teachers in the world. Registration is through the Counseling Center in April.